Goodbye Stress

Hello Life!

Helping Women who are Overwhelmed and Burnt Out, Get Organised, Take Back Control and Start Living a Joyful Happy Life Again


Are you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out?

Exhausted with all the rushing around and constant mental load?

Irritable, short tempered and easily annoyed?

Not present with family and friends?

Feeling guilty if you stop?

You are not alone, i’ve been there too…

Having experienced two burnouts and spending over a decade trying to find ways to manage my stress, I know how challenging it can be. As a mum, I also understand how difficult it is to get the balance between work and family life. 

I’ve experienced how long term stress affects you physically and emotionally and that feeling of being broken and not knowing what to do. It was following my second burnout that I knew things really had to change.

It’s taken me a while, but I have found a sustainable solution that works and I want to share it with you so that you don’t have to suffer alone like I did. I am living proof that positive changes can be made and quite honestly I wouldn’t be here now, supporting others if I hadn’t found the solution.

I’m on a mission to help as many women as I can who are overwhemed and burnout out, get organised, take back control and start living a joyful happy life again.

I know you’re putting on a brave face pretending everything is ok when on the inside you feel broken like you are only just keeping your head above water.


Just going through the motions as you try to get through every day …

  • You’re juggling 101 things and struggling to keep all the balls in the air
  • You feel tired and burnt out all the time 
  • You struggle to get a decent nights sleep
  • You feel guilty for resting or taking time for yourself
  • You look like you “have it all” but no one knows you are silently suffering inside
Imagine what it would be like to:
  • Feel more organised and on top of things
  • Feel calmer
  • Have more fun, joy and happiness
  • More time, space & peace
  • Be present for friends and family
  • Take care of yourself without feeling guilty
  • Take back control of how you want your life to look

say goodbye to overwhelm & burnout

Let me show you how...

A Bit About Me – Expert in Female Burnout and Overwhelm

You can beat overwhelm & burnout and I can show you how! 

I believe that everyone can learn how to beat overwhelm and burnout by finding ways to manage stress and lead a happier more fulfilled life, it just seems impossible because when we have been stressed for so long, we’re in too deep! We are so wound up our nervous system is working on overdrive. 

We find it impossible to relax, our mind is constantly racing and quite honestly, we can be so exhausted and short of time that we don’t know where to start looking after ourselves.

But with the right guidance and support you too can feel more organised, calmer, more peaceful and present. You can take back control of your life and wake up everyday looking forward to the day ahead!

I believe that everyone can learn to become resilient to life’s stress by learning how to recognise and manage their own symptoms. My intention is to pass on what I wish I had known all those years ago about the impact stress has on the body physically, mentally and emotionally and how you too can become resilient to stress in a few simple steps.

How I Can Support You

How I can support you - Stress Reset

Stress Reset

Uncover the root causes of your stress & overwhelm and feel empowered to take  actionable steps towards a calmer, happier life.

How I can support you - CREATE SPACE

Create Space

Step out of overwhelm and into calm, control with this 4-week 1:1 coaching program designed to help you reclaim your time and energy.

How I can support you - The Stress Solution

The Stress Solution

Break free from stress and burnout for good and create a life of balance and joy with a personalised programme that suits you and your busy life.

Burnout Symptoms to Look Out For

Do you know how stress affects your body and your health?


Burnout occurs when have been exposed to stress long term (chronic stress) and it can affect us physically, mentally and emotionally.

Some of the signs that you may be close to burnout include: 

  • Feeling distant and detached
  • Losing interest in things you once enjoyed
  • Feeling exhausted all the time
  • Sleep disruption
  • Stomach issues
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Regular headaches / migraines
  • Muscular aches and pains
  • Feeling anxious
  • Feeling overwhelmed like you are struggling to cope
  • Low immunity and feeling constantly run down

Chronic stress not only has an impact on your health but it also affects your relationships, your career, your joy, happiness and life overall! 

Experiencing any of the above can be a sign that you are chronically stressed and heading for burnout. 

Are You Chronically Stressed?

Take this quick 2-minute self assessment to find out if you are experiencing everyday normal stress, or heading towards burnout. 

This woman is amazing… everyone needs a Jen in their lives!! I refer to her as my fairy godmother because she has literally helped me transform my life! I was reluctant at first to spend money on something that I felt wouldn’t really be able to make a difference but boy was I wrong!  My approach to life is so much different now after working with Jen, I won’t be crashing and burning ever again!  Jen is so knowledgeable, patient, understanding, encouraging and supportive. She is absolutely perfect for this role! 

I urge you to get in contact with her to see how she can help you,  I promise you won’t regret it… My only regret is that i waited so long to do it!!

– Becky –

Jen’s tips, guidance and support has really helped me to gain control of my life, I know take time for myself, just to reset and relax before bed. I’m a much calmer and more fun Mam for my children to be around.

– Claire –

‘Before working with Jen I had too many plates spinning  and no clear plans. I felt stuck and frustrated.With Jen’s guidance and support I am able to cope much better and now have a plan! I feel much more calm and now have clarity and focus which has been invaluable’.

– Anne S –

Jen is a great listener, is non judgemental and she really understands what i’m going through. She is empathetic and encouraging and has helped me identify issues and how I could improve my situation with small steps that have really made a big difference.

– Becky G –

I feel more organised and have made more time for me without feeling guilty which means I am less stressed and irritable with the children

– Louise –

‘Since working with Jen I feel more organised, I am making time for myself and having guilt free ‘me’ time which means I am less stressed and less irritable with the children and my husband!’

– Lucy –