Thinking about New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year where we are thinking about what changes we would like to make in the New Year. Those pesky New Year’s Resolutions.

My advice is, DON’T DO IT!

DON’T do New Year’s Resolutions. They DON’T work.

Why don’t New Year’s Resolutions work?

Well, there’s two really good reasons.

  1. When we set New Year’s Resolutions, we normally go for this really big thing. We’re going to change so many things. And we set our goals too high. And we expect results too soon, the goals are unachievable and we don’t achieve them. The result being that we feel like we failed, we feel deflated, and we give up before we’ve really got started.

  2. If you’ve already got a really long list of things to do, and you’re busy all the time and then you add this new, big thing or all these things you’re going to change onto this list, then the chances are that you’re not going to get the said things done. You then feel like you failed at something else and this has a really negative impact on you which just makes January feel really rubbish, and you just start the year feeling really down.

My question is…

Why set yourself up for something that’s just going to make you feel rubbish? Sounds like a silly idea when you say it our loud doesn’t it! I’m not saying you shouldn’t look at making some positive changes in the New Year, I’m just saying it’s pointless doing it the wrong way.

What can you do instead?

The BEST THING that you can do is take some SMALL STEPS.

Make some small changes.

I’ve witnessed some incredible transformations with the women that I work with who takes small steps.

They do one small thing and they do that thing until it becomes habit and they don’t know that are doing it anymore.

Then they add another small thing and they do that until that also becomes habit.

Then they add something else and all these small things build up to be something really, really big.

Something that can really have such a huge impact on how you feel, how your life is, your wellbeing, lowering your stress levels, being able to take better care of yourself.

There are so many benefits to taking SMALL STEPS

So this year, I encourage you to say NO to New Year’s Resolutions and start thinking about, what SMALL CHANGES could you start to make?

Choose one or two things to do in January.

When you’ve got those done and you do them without thinking, add something else and just keep going like that.

The result being that all year round, you’ll be making positive changes as opposed to this huge grand gesture in January that never really happens or doesn’t last longer than a few weeks!