The power of self care for women in business

Don’t underestimate the power of self care as a woman in business. In fact, self care is a SMART BUSINESS MOVE!

As a woman in business, I know first hand how challenging it can be finding the balance between running a business and taking care of yourself.

For many years, self care was never a priority for me,

I didn’t have the time,

There was so much to do,

Who was I to think I could ‘take a break’ and do something for me?

Honestly, at times I probably didn’t think I deserved any time out either.

However, having struggled with chronic stress for over a decade and experiencing two burnouts in that time, I have learnt the hard way about the importance of prioritising self care.

I’m not going to lie, it hasn’t been easy, BUT by taking small steps and slowly adding things into my day to look after myself, I now know what a positive impact this has on me and my business which means self care is now a priority!

How Self-Care Helps You and Your Business

We live a go go go, do do do culture! Wearing the badge of busyness with honour, celebrating the hustle and rewarding those who don’t have time to sleep, rest and relax!

However, working at this rate without a break is unsustainable and it’s unhealthy!

It results in stress, burnout, health problems and poor mental health.

Here’s how self care can help:
1. Reduces Stress Levels

Stress is a normal physical and emotional response to a threatening or overwhelming task or situation. But if we don’t manage stress properly there can be major consequences.

There’s no getting away from the fact that stress is going to play a role in your life when running a business. This is where self care comes in, because it activates the body’s relaxation response, reducing cortisol and adrenaline levels in your body which helps to lower stress!

2. Improves Clarity and Creativity

A calm and clear mind allows for more creativity and inspiration!

If you are overwhelmed and trying to multitask, doing a million things at once, you are definitely not in the best mindset to be creative, organized, and successful in your goals.

Time away to practice self care can help you to calm your mind.

3. Boosts Productivity

Research shows that by taking micro-breaks, lunchtime breaks and longer breaks you can boost your productivity.

Even when you are really busy, just 10 minutes away from you desk to breathe, stretch, meditate, take a walk can work wonders.

4. Improves Mental Health

Stress is one of the biggest contributions to poor mental health. Research shows that people who feel stressed can also feel depressed and anxious.

Taking time to practice self care to help lower stress levels is vital.

So what are you waiting for?

Give yourself permission to take that time out and prioritise self care. Your body and businesss will thank you for it!

Not sure where to start?

You may like to read: 5 ways to add more self care into your busy day