The Signs & Symptoms of Stress
There are many different signs and symptoms of stress, and stress can affect us all differently. It can affect our physical well-being our mental well-being and our emotional well-being.
Being aware of the symptoms of stress is so important because if we are aware then we can do something about it.
If there’s one thing I wish I had known all those years ago and that is the symptoms of stress and the impact it can have on us long-term.
The reason I’m writing this blog is because I want you to be aware of the signs and symptoms of stress so that you can do something about it now and not ignore it like I did. I ignored it because I didn’t know and understand enough about it and would put the symptoms down to being ‘something else’!
How stress can make you FEEL
- Irritable, angry, impatient, wound up
- Overwhelmed
- Anxious
- Emotional
- Lonely
- Scared
- Preoccupied
- Detached
- Racing thoughts, can’t switch off
- Unable to enjoy yourself
- Uninterested in life
How stress can affect you PHYSICALLY
- Muscular aches and pains
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Indigestion or heartburn
- Constipation or diarrhoea
- Sudden weight gain or weight loss
- Sleep problems such as falling asleep and staying asleep, disturbed sleep, finding it hard to wake up and get out of bed, sleeping a lot at times when you would normally be awake
How stress can make you BEHAVE
- Find it hard to make decisions
- Unable to concentrate
- Unable to remember things
- Constant worry and feelings of dread
- Snapping at people
- Grinding your teeth clenching your jaw
- Eating too much or too little
- Being restless like you can’t sit still
- Crying or feeling tearful
- Spending too much money
- Withdrawing from people around you
Symptoms of stress you SHOULD NOT ignore
If you have been experiencing any of the symptoms below for a long period of time, it really is time to take action:
- Changes in eating habits eating too much or too little
- Digestive issues
- Negative feelings
- Sleep issues and low energy
- Deep breathing becomes difficult
- Headaches
- Aches and pains
- Fatigue
- Cravings for smoking alcohol recreational drugs becomes stronger
Need some more help?
You can find some more in depth information on signs, symptoms and treatment of stress on the MIND website HERE