Importance of Creating Space
I want to talk to you about the importance of ‘Creating Space’ in your life when you are stressed.
What do I mean?
What I mean by that is clearing some of the clutter from your life, because I don’t care what anybody says, we pick stuff up along the way, stuff that we don’t need to be doing.
Have you ever heard yourself say…
‘I’ll do it because it’s quicker’
‘I’ll do it because I’m fed up with waiting for them to do it’
‘I’ll do it because they won’t do it as well as me’?
Before you know it, you are doing all these things that you don’t really need to be doing.
What is the problem?
The problem with this is, that when we’re stressed, we’re usually stressed because we’re too busy and we’ve got too much to do.
If we’re trying to manage and lower our stress by adding some self care, for example, then what happens is that this act of self care gets added on to the bottom of an already very long to do list. The likelihood is that you’re never going to get round to doing the thing that you’ve said that you’re going to do.
Two things happen:
1. You’re never going to be able to lower your stress levels because you never get round to doing the self care!
2. You feel like you’ve failed at something else, there’s something else you haven’t done. When we’re stressed, we already feel a little bit like we’re failing because we always feel like we’re not getting everything done and we’re not coping, it’s such a negative spiral to be in!
Can you see how it’s really important to create that space in your life first? So that you can start adding those other things in that are going to help you lower your stress levels.
What are you doing everyday?
Take some time to write down everything you are doing every single day and then ask yourself ‘What could I let go of?’
You may like to read my FREE Guide on ‘4 Ways to Reduce Stress’ which you can find HERE.