There’s no getting away from the fact that we are all too busy!
We don’t get a minute to ourselves.
Our needs come at the bottom of the list.
The thing is, when it comes to lowering our stress levels, it is vital that we MAKE TIME to look after ourselves.
To do things that help us relax, bring us joy, allow us to ‘let off steam’.
Sounds impossible right! I mean how can you make time for you when you have so much going on in the day?
There is a way and I will show you how!
My NUMBER ONE TIP for creating more time is to ‘CLEAR THE CLUTTER’ from your life so that you no longer have a never ending to do list and constant demands on your time.
How, I hear you ask?
You need to take a look at ‘What’s on Your Plate’ and write everything down that you do in a day. I mean absolutely everything!
I would suggest writing this list over the course of a few days as there may be things you do on different days and we don’t want you to miss anything!
Then take a long hard look at this list
The first thing that you need to do is ACKNOWLEDGE just how much you do everyday.
Take a moment to let this sink in, and then let the REALISATION hit, that this is why you feel so stressed and exhausted and you find it so difficult to be present!
Finally, take a long hard look at everything on your list and ask yourself, do I really need to do all of this? 🤔
I can guarantee there will be things that you:
- Can LET GO of altogether.
- Ask someone else to HELP YOU with.
- Are able to DELEGATE to someone else.
It’s not always easy letting things go, delegating and asking for help but if you keep in your mind what you are going to do (just for you) when you have freed up some time, it will make the process easier.
Good Luck!